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Application of shungite pyramids

It's not by chance that it was pyramids that have become the most popular products made of shungite. From the ancient times, pyramids hold an essential place in the development of the civilization. Thanks to its shape and the unique properties of shungite, the pyramid creates a torsion field around itself, which reflects geopathogenic rays. It's able to protect residential and industrial premises from electromagnetic irradiation originating from various household and measurement equipment. In addition, the shungite pyramid is a reliable shield against geopathogenic impact.

As a result of regular use of shungite pyramids, the organism's energy gets more even, and its biological field gets charged and strengthened. Under the influence of the shungite pyramid, nervousity and overagitation reduce, sleep normalizes, and working performance and tonus increase in the active state. The shungite pyramid contributes to the reduction of headaches, removes spinal and rheumatic pains and improves the psychic and emotional condition.

Recommendation for the application of shungite pyramids

Recommendations of people possessing the gift of seeing and influencing, as well as practical researchers of shungite pyramids are the same.

Below are the basic of those recommendations:

·    A shungite pyramid should be put near the places where you spend a long time during the day (near the bed, on your desk, etc.)

·    It's advisable that the edges of the shungite pyramid are strictly oriented to the cardinal directions, that is, sides of the pyramid's base must lie along the north-south and east-west lines. To achieve that, you should use a compass when installing it.

·    It's expedient to put a shungite pyramid near devices which are sources of various types of radiation, such as TV set, computer, microwave ovens, electrical bakers, radio receivers and telephones, and other household appliances that change the natural electromagnetic background.

·    The biggest effect of the shungite pyramid appears if it's located either a bit lower or a bit higher than the plain the radiation source is located in. For better protection, put the pyramid between yourself and the computer (TV set).

·    You should take into account that the protective properties of the shungite pyramid are effectively shown over the plain it is located in, that's why you should put it not to your computer or TV set, but only to a chair near them.

·    Installation of shungite pyramids in an office will effectively increase the working performance of people present around them. In addition, the pyramid creates a field around itself, which improves the favorable nervous and emotional condition, activizes positive thoughts and moods, which contributes to successful management of affairs.

·    It's also recommended to place a shungite pyramid in the saloon of your car. Its effect neutralizes negative conditions of drivers, which are unfortunately unavoidable on our roads. The shungite pyramid makes a goods influence on the general state of people, movement coordination, nervous system, and reduces the risk of accidents.

·    Shungite pyramids are installed on the bottoms of swimming pools and baths (but you should be careful not to step upon its top). Under the influence of shungite, water gets purified and acquires new medicinal qualities, making a deep beneficial effect on the organisms of bathing people.

·    A non-polished shungite pyramid may be used for making pyramidal shungite water. To achieve that, the pyramid is put into a vessel with water for 2 days.

To strengthen the effect of the pyramid on unhealthy parts of the body, it's recommended to apply the shungite pyramid to the place where you have the pain. You should not apply the pyramid with its top, as its effect on the biological field may be negative.

Massage using a pyramid made of the shungite stone.

Shungite pyramids may be used for massage. A small polished pyramid will be fit for that, which can fit in a hand palm. Highly effective is massage of finger tips – it's one of the zones where acupuncture points are located, the activation of which improves the health and strengthens the immunity. The pyramid is placed on the hand palm and press its top one-by-one by finger pads 3 to 4 times (starting from the thumb). After finger massage, it's recommended to do the moisturizing of the hand, by compressing and depressing the pyramid by all fingers at the same time. This massage is recommended to remove pressure, stress and to purify the biofield.

Sizes of shungite pyramids.

There is an opinion that the sizes of the pyramid must correspond to the proportions of the so called “golden section”. It's the same proportions that the Egyptian Great pyramid corresponds to. But in fact, thousands of other ancient pyramids have various sizes and side length ratios, that's why it would be a mistake to consider the golden section proportion the only right one. There's no doubt that the effective radius of the pyramid depends on the dimensions, weight, as well as on the crystallic shape of the substance it is made of. The effective radius of the shungite pyramid, depending on the length of the base side:

Length       -                 Radius

4 cm           -                 1.6 m

5 cm           -                 2.8 m

6 cm           -                 3.8 m

7 cm           -                 4.5 m

8 cm           -                 6.5 m

9 cm           -                 8 m

10 cm         -                 10 m

15 cm         -                 17 m

20 cm         -                 22 m

25 cm        –                  27 m

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